Saturday 25 June 2016

PMD1/2 Generating Material- VDU Lesson 8

The above video shows the beginning of a section of choreography to feature as its own scene. Once developed further, we would strive to incorperate more movement based around the idea of courting and masquerade dance, and whilst we want most of the scene to create a contrast to the idea of debauchery, we still would like to feature moments whereby this could be questioned, for example; in the Mask of the Red Death, upon the chiming of a clock, the band stops playing and those in attendance go silent. In this scene we could create a similar effect through the use of a recurring motif as we already have above, but also through the idea of changing pace to become eerily slow for a moment before all is resumed. We would like to make this scene 5 minutes long and so could consider using Cunningham's idea of the chance method to speed up the generating process. 

I proposed the use of the following accompaniment, the theme music from 28 Days Later, as it covers all the types of things we would wish to include, such as pauses in the music and the repetition of a single melody with layers and variation, further illustrating the eerie mood, not only this but it is taken from a film based around the idea of contagion, as is our performance. 

Also, we considered recording a soundscape to perhaps overlay at points in the accompaniment such as screams or spluttering/sneezing/coughing ect or perhaps a clock to enforce the idea of time passing but it could argue the accompaniment already does this in the reccuring melody becoming somewhat monotonous.

This next video shows material generated by Matthew, in which he plays a doctor, explaining how to disembowel and embalm a body. To develop this scene we considered adding either a person to respond as though they were a dead body or to use the chest piece of a mannequin. This would enable the audience to fully understand what was being discussed as the sole mention of the name of an artery alone may not be something all would be familiar with. It also adds to the visual element of the scene and makes the audience more uncomfortable as it makes it abundantly clear what the instructions are synonymous with. 

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